Lauryn Williams

Lauryn Williams is a second-year MBA candidate at Columbia Business School, specializing in finance and real estate. With a background in architecture and construction management, Lauryn’s pre-MBA career focused on commercial mixed-use and multifamily projects, where she discovered her passion for using the built environment as a catalyst for social and environmental change.

During her MBA, Lauryn interned at Nuveen Real Estate and Goldman Sachs Urban Investment Group, concentrating on real estate investing and asset management, with a strong emphasis on affordable housing. Lauryn is dedicated to merging her building industry expertise with real estate investments to create lasting, positive impact on communities and investors alike.

Lauryn holds a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Maryland, College Park. At Columbia, she serves as the Vice President of DEI for the Real Estate Association and Vice President of Events and Partnerships for the Black Business Student Association. She is also a Forte and Toigo Fellow.